Connor Turcotte

Licensing: 650140583
Connor Turcotte

Licensing: 650140583

Born and raised in the Metro Detroit Area I grew up playing hockey and learned important core values that lead me into becoming a national champion. I am still deeply rooted in these values and implement them in my day-to-day life. I believe there are three D's to accomplish any goal - Discipline, Dedication and Desire. The harder I work, the luckier I get. Practice doesn't make perfect, but perfect practice makes perfect. Before real estate I spent five years in the service industry where I refined my communication and people skills. Building relationships out of thin air is my expertise. I take a great amount of joy in working for the best interest of families and individuals. I have met some truly wonderful people working in real estate. This makes it so easy to be passionate about what I do and to fight to protect my clients. While there are many wonderful places in the world that I enjoy visiting, Michigan will always be my home. I love this area and take great pride in seeing the happiness my clients get as a result of my hard work. So, whether you are a first-time home buyer, a seasoned buyer/seller, or an investor - give me a call and let's talk about how I can exceed your expectations of a real estate professional and help you to accomplish your goals.

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